Our main mission is to make sure, we provide affordable housing solutions for the less-fortunate in the world
A nonprofit organisation collaborating with global welfare programs in order to eliminate slums and to provide affordable housing for the less-fortunate world wide.
The concept
In German there is this saying if you want something that has everything and that can do everything you call it the the “egg-laying-wool-milk-sow”.
Well, this is actually what we are working on. With talented architects and engineers we are working on a housing module, that can be used everywhere in the world and that fits everywhere. There are many criteria, we want to meet and we also want to make sure, at the end, we have a flexible, unique and affordable product.
At this point we will only demonstrate roughly, what we are looking for. Once the product is finally developed, approved and ready to be produced, we will show it more in detail.

Distribution of housing units
Whether the units a pre-assembled or delivered as parts for easy assembly on site, the units will be transported through the cargo container concept. This provides the sea route for cargo transportation as the most affordable way of distribution world wide.

New homes
Eliminating slums and providing affordable homes for the less-fortunate is a major undertaking but we stop at nothing and work on solutions. We want to make sure, we tried everything in our power and with our possibilities to make a difference.

Millions are waiting
Help us eliminating the unworthy living conditions of millions of people all over the globe by contributing to our projects. Each donation is welcome.
+(49) 170 410 45 41
Seeblick 1
24361 Gross Wittensee