We build homes

Bringing hope and dignity to the less-fortunate

A nonprofit organisation collaborating with global welfare programs in order to eliminate slums and to provide affordable housing for the less-fortunate world wide.

Our Mission


Eliminating the terrible living conditions of the less-fortunate in the world, building new and affordable homes for them and at the same time building new lifes  –  one by one!

home and sanitation

Eliminating slums and replacing them with dignified homes.

hope and dignity

Changing hearts by providing dignified life solutions.

purpose and perspective

Changing lives by providing dignified living conditions.

Our Hope

We hope to work with as many organisations and people as possible to make a difference in the world by changing hearts – one by one.

YOU can help

Our purpose is to collect funds and to redistribute them to the process of fulfilling our mission by supporting house building projects, education projects and employment projects. Every donation is welcome, no matter how small. Let us make a difference together. We consider each donor a founding member. Find out, how to become a Co-Founder at Vita Dignita Foundation.

BUILDING ONE house at a time 

We cannot change all at once but we believe in each step we take is a step forward to change someone’s life for the better. We are working with talented and devoted architects and engineers to develop the ideal and affordable housing solution “GLOBALLY”!

Millions are waiting

Help us eliminating the unworthy living conditions of millions of people all over the globe by contributing to our projects. Each donation is welcome.



+(49) 170 410 45 41




Seeblick 1
24361 Gross Wittensee